

Maj 2024

51Cth søger nyt medlem

Deadline for ansøgning mandag d. 24. juni kl. 12.00

51Cth søger nyt medlem til følgende atelier-pladser:

  • Atelierplads á 34m2.

  • Leje i alt: 2.969,99 kr. ex. moms

  • Overtagelse pr. 01/08/2024, med mulighed for overtagelse fra 1/7/2024
  • Depositum: 12.187,98 kr. ex. moms

Tilmeld dig en af vores åbne fremvisninger på 

Datoer for åbne fremvisninger: 
Søndag d. 16. juni kl. 13-14

Tirsdag d. 18. juni kl. 11-12

Klik her for mere info

Nov 2023

51cth inviterer til Symposium

Onsdag d. 22. november.


Tid: onsdag d. 22. november 2023

Sted: 51Cth, Industrivej 51C, Trekroner, Roskilde

Bus: afgang fra København kl. 9.00

Billetter: 50 kr. - købes via Billetto

Billetten gælder deltagelse ved 51Cth's symposium MATERIALER, FÆLLESSKABER & FREMTIDER og er inkl. forfriskninger og frokost, samt bus t/r til busholdepladsen på Ingerslevsgade, København.

I tilfælde af udsolgt: Tilmeld dig ventelisten ved at kontakte os på


10.00 Kaffe, te og Croissant

10.20 Velkomst

En kort introduktion til symposiet v/ Therese Bülow og Jytte Høy

10.30 -11.00 Crafting Speculations
Talk by Animali Domestici v/ Alicia Lazzaroni and Antonio Bernacchi, Aarhus School of Architecture

Animali Domestici will share some of their recent projects that engage, at various levels, with crafting and material experimentation. They will expand on the relationship between real and virtual material experimentation and the potential value of different types of simulation, questioning the potential for communication and provocation of the boundary between reality and fiction/unreality.

Sprog: Engelsk
11.00-11.15 Q&A

11.30-12.15 Sansning af lyd
Lydkunstnerne Felia Gram-Hanssen og Alexander Holm startede deres samarbejde i 2016 i forbindelse med albumudgivelsen Folded Earth/Double Exposure, som bygger på elektronisk bearbejdede field recordings. Kunstnerduoen arbejder desuden med musikkompositioner og live performances, der kombinerer dokumentation og virtualitet. Live, arbejder de med metoder fra spilmekanismer, koreografi og film-lyddesign. Til Symposiet vil duoen tage os på en fællesrejse ind i lydenes univers.

12.30-13.15 Foodscape frokost
Madkunstner Tine Galatius tryller sensoriske, skulpturelle og spiselige landskaber frem med inspiration fra symposiets emner og billedhuggerens univers. Frokosten bliver tilberedt og serveret udendørs ved levende ild og gløder i 51Cth’s autentiske baggård. Det bliver en sanselig, æstetisk og smagfuld madoplevelse.

13.30 -14.00 Vands fjerde fase
Samtale mellem kunstner Karl Troels Sandegård og kurator Jacob Lillemose med udgangspunkt i Sandegårds skulpturelle eksperimenter med vand i dets såkaldte "fjerde fase", hvor det ikke er flydende, frosset eller damp, men plasma eller gelé om man vil.
14.00-14.15 Q & A

14.30 -15.00 Du er ikke alene – om mikroorganismer, kunst og kultur
Foredrag med lektor og kurator Adam Bencard, Medicinsk Museion

Hvad betyder det, hvis vi skal til at betragte os selv som små økosystemer, eller som sammenslutninger af mange forskellige arter der arbejder sammen? Dette foredrag tager udgangspunkt i en række kunstnere, der på forskellige måder arbejder med mikroorganismer i deres kunstneriske praksis.
15.00 - 15.15 Q & A

15.30-16.00 Tyst te

Koldbrygget Sencha og Matcha smagning ved Louise Walter med fokus på brygning, dufte og æstetik. En æstetisk og sanselig oplevelse, der beroliger hjerte og sind.

16.15-16.45 Løsriv din krop fra jorden
Performativ talk med den østrigske kunstner Ralo Mayer.

Hvordan vil du forberede din krop på at leve på andre planeter, for eksempel Mars? I denne talk vil kunstneren og den selverklærede meteorslikker Ralo Mayer guide deltagerne mod en såkaldt Un-Earthingpraksis. Det er en rejse med omdrejningspunkt i farmakologien og ret så fysisk kontakt med stykker af kosmos. Sprog: Engelsk
16.45-17.00 Q&A

17.00 Bus retur til København

Arrangør 51Cth v/ Therese Bülow og Jytte Høy
med en særlig tak til Jacob Lillemose for idéer til programmet og til Det Obelske Familiefond for økonomisk støtte


Bus - København t/r

Bussen afgår fra busholdepladserne på Ingerslevsgade, overfor DGI Byen. Bussen vil holde et stykke nede ad gaden - og altså ikke som en af de første busser i rækken.

Det vil være en grå bus fra Roskilde Turistfart, og bussen vil have et skilt i forruden hvorpå der står 51Cth.

Bussen holder der et kvarter før - og kører kl. 9.00.

Der vil være en repræsentant fra 51Cth i bussen.

Husk varmt tøj

51Cth holder til i to industrihaller - medbring derfor varmt tøj.

I tilfælde af afbud

Kontakt os venligst på så din billet og plads til symposiet ikke går til spilde. 

Maj 2023

Workshop og foredrag

Bangladeshisk kunst

5. - 9. juni 2023

Foreningen 51Cth får besøg fra Bangladesh, og inviterer til workshop og foredrag om både traditionelle hinduistiske symboler og Bangladeshisk nutidskunst.

Få et indblik i verdens ældste religion og manifesteringen i skulpturer.

Prøv selv kræfter med de traditionelle modelleringsteknikker.

Hør og se foredrag om samtidskunst i et land med helt andre livsvilkår.

Læs mere og tilmeld dig her

Apr 2023

Optag af nyt medlem

Tak for ansøgningerne!

Ansøgnings-processen vedr. optag af nyt medlem er lukket for denne gang.

Fremtidige muligheder for medlemskab og atelierplads i 51Cth vil blive slået op her på siden.

Dec 2022

The 51Cth AiR Programme has come to an end

The aim with the 51Cth Residency Programme was to facilitate an exchange between 51Cth and the visiting artists to continue in developing a continuous critical, constructive and practice based dialogue within contemporary art.

The residency was first and foremost created to serve as an intensive period for experimenting and realising work while in parallel with this carry on a critical reflection about this in an active studio community.

51Cth thanks all the visiting artists for generously sharing their artistic process and practice while staying with us.

51Cth also extends a special thanks to Det Obelske Familiefond for kindly supporting the 51Cth AiR Programme from 2019 to 2022. 

Unu Sohn

Magda Buczek

Oct 2022

Artist Talks at Collega

with Unu Sohn and Magda Buczek:

In Collaboration with 51Cth

20 October 4.30-6pm

Join us for artist talks in October!

In collaboration with artist residency 51Cth Roskilde Collega will host artist talks with current resident Unu Sohn at 51Cth and Magda Buczek currently part of Collegas Surplus exhibition, co-curated with blaxTARLINES Kumasi.

Unu Sohn will present her current work at 51Cth taking the opportunity of her residency to explore materials such as wax molds, bronze and aluminum. Sohn makes non-representational and abstract sculptures. Her body of work reflects associations with selfhood and home: intimacy, safety, protection, boundaries, comfort. Her sculptures are homes she make for herself and welcome others into.

Magda Buczek will present her work OBJECTS CONTINUE TO EXIST WHEN OUT OF OUR HANDS (2022) part of Collega's current exhibition. The work deals with object permanence from developmental psychology: Things continue to exist even when not perceived by the one who looks. The textile is composed of waste pieces collected in garbage dumps, households and from a hospice put in the context of the sustainability and longevity of everyday objects.

The talks are in English and will be moderated by Lotte Løvholm from Collega.

For more information and materials, please contact:

Lotte Løvholm, Artistic director Collega,, +4522756574,
Flensborggade 57, st, 1669 København V

Collega is supported by Bikuben, The Danish Arts Foundation, William Demant, Beckett-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden & Rådet for Visuel Kunst.

51Cth is an artist run association dedicated to keeping the sculptural and contemporary art field thriving and evolving. 51Cth is located in a large old industrial complex with common workspaces and private studios. 51Cth runs a residency program supported by Det Obelske Familiefond.

Collega presents exhibitions developed in collaboration with international artists and curators. The foundation of the space is co-curation as practice. Collega emphasises the collective process in exhibition-making as a patient
gathering of works – on loan, in care, as nourishment.

Flensborggade 57, st, 1669 København V

Sep 2022

Optag af nyt medlem

Tak for ansøgningerne!

Ansøgnings-processen vedr. optag af nyt medlem er lukket for denne gang.

Fremtidige muligheder for medlemskab og atelierplads i 51Cth vil blive slået op her på siden.

Judith Geerts
Supporting system 1, 2022
Raw steel, bolts
91, 85, 110 cm

Julie Falk
We are everywhere, 2021
Cardboard boxes, fiberglass, galvanized steel,
62 x 94 x 128 cm

Judith Geerts
Give them enough rope 3, 2022
Powder coated steel and aluminium
ø 27 cm

Julie Falk
Little soul, little drifter, 2022
Dimensions variable
Photo: Malle Madsen

Jul 2022

51Cth Artist Talk with resident artist Judith Geerts and Julie Falk on July 31st at Sharp Projects


Sharp Projects and 51Cth present an artist talk between Judith Geerts and Julie Falk this upcoming Sunday, July 31st at 5:30 pm. As part of 51Cth's public programs, the artist talk with 51Cth's resident Judith Geerts will be moderated by gallerist Ilethia Sharp. 51Cth is an artist association and studio with an international residency program that focuses on sculpture and contemporary art. Geerts, who is based in Brussels, Belgium, will be in conversation with Sharp Projects exhibiting artist Julie Falk. Sharp Projects invites Falk to be in conversation with Geerts because of the overlaps in their artistic practices. When both artists create sculptural installations their use of material and objects communicate a visual language that references architecture, space, and external forces.

This artist talk is supported by Det Obelske Familiefond.

For more info, visit Sharp Projects

Judith Geerts (b. 1989) is a Dutch artist based in Brussels (BE). She graduated with an MFA with honors from LUCA, Brussels (2022) and completed her BFA at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam (2015) with a degree in sculpture at the Cooper Union, New York (2014). Her artistic practice is based on combining sculpture and writing through references to architectural systems and devices found in public spaces. By replicating, altering, and diverting the design of everyday objects, she produces structures that subvert and reflect upon their
function. She reacts to regulations of architectural authority and examines new ways to activate her work in relation to space and viewership. Her works have been shown at several exhibitions including: BHQF (NY, USA), Vincent van Gogh Huis (Zundert, NL) and Cc Strombeek (Brussels, BE). In Brussels she also co-founded the project space, 8-Track. She has been supported by Master Mind
Scholarship and awarded with grants including: Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Niemeijer Fonds, Hendrik Muller Fonds.

Julie Falk (b. 1991) is a Danish artist, based in Copenhagen (DK). She graduated with an MFA from Malmö Art Academy in 2017 and has since been awarded working grants from The Danish Arts Foundation in both 2018, 2019 and 2021. She works in an intersection between sculpture and concept, where elements from our everyday merge with materials from a context of sculptural production. Through a physical and formal language, she concretizes an aesthetic placed between ad hoc and permanence, where the work’s errand is not easily attached to words, but emerges in the spaces they inhabit. Her works have also been showcased at venues such as Kunsthal Charlottenborg (Copenhagen, DK), KØS Museum of Art in Public Spaces (Køge, DK) and Galleri Susanne Ottesen (Copenhagen, DK) and Sydhavn Station (Copenhagen, DK). She has participated in residencies in Joshua Tree, Athens, Greece and Mexico City. In 2022 she joined as a board member of Charlottenborg Foundation.

51Cth is an artist-run association dedicated to keeping the sculptural and contemporary art field thriving and evolving. 51Cth is located in a large old industrial complex with common workspaces and private studios. 51Cth consists of 14 independent artists and a professional bronze caster foundry (Broncestøberiet Peter Jensen ApS). 51Cth aims to become a facilitator for progressive work in a sculptural setting, where one has access to the required facilities as well as the professional expertise needed for using them. This takes place in a forum that supports and encourages professional artists to exchange their experience and knowledge with each other in a focused working environment as well as through group critiques, artist talks and similar activities. It is 51Cth’s objective to strengthen and further artistic cooperation both within the local area and internationally. The aim with this residency programme is to facilitate an exchange between 51Cth and the visiting artist to continue in developing a continuous critical, constructive and practice based dialogue within contemporary art.

Sharp Projects is an art gallery and curatorial project space in Copenhagen, Denmark founded by African-American independent curator Ilethia Sharp. As an independent art gallery with a focus on sculpture and installation, Sharp Projects invites internationally-based artists and curators alike to exhibit diversified concepts; with overlapping artistic practices that work through materiality and objecthood. Sharp’s interest in transnational parallels in contemporary art aesthetics and narratives indicate the focus on including artists based internationally; who would otherwise not be plurally conceptualized. Founded by a non-native, the gallery is an inevitable response to exclusionary tactics. Extended curatorial projects aim to navigate historical and experimental notions found in exhibition-making by prompting interdisciplinary collaborations of appropriated sculpture and objects.

Portrait of Ilethia Sharp
Photo: Bjarke Johansen


Vanessa Brown

Documentation: LFdocumentation

Late Night Trip to the Jewellers, 2018

Vanessa Brown

Documentation: John Dean

Photo: Julia Bondessen

Nov 2021

Double artist talk session


We’re happy to invite you to a double artist talk session at our workshop in Trekroner. The first talk is with our current artist-in-residence, Canadian artist Vanessa Brown, who will give us a glimpse of what she has been working on during her six weeks long stay by opening her studio. The second talk is with Swedish artist Julia Bondesson, who currently has a solo show at Moderna Museet in Malmö.  Both conversations will be moderated by curator and editor Lotte Løvholm. Language spoken will be english.

Day: Monday the 22nd of November

Time: 11 - 15

Adress: Industrivej 51c, 4000 Roskilde ( 5 min walk from Trekroner station)


11.00     Talk between Vanessa Brown and Lotte Løvholm in Vanessa’s studio

12.30    Coffee break

13.00    Talk between Julia Bondesson and Lotte Løvholm

Everyone is welcomed, please send us an email at if you will come the latest on Friday the 19th of November. Hope to see you!

Vanessa Brown works in sculpture and installation, primarily using steel. She is interested in challenging steel’s associations with industry and monument, by focusing on its subtler qualities such as its versatility and slightness. Her work explores ideas around craft, constructs of gender and labour, gestures of comfort, ideas of escape, and liminal spaces such as holes and dreams.

Julia Bondesson combines aesthetics with psychology in her works. Gently, they take possession of the room, like entities seemingly at rest. Bondesson explores the symbiosis between body and soul. Her inspirations include Chinese philosophy and embodied cognition, where development is furthered through active cooperation between the senses and the physical body. With performative works, the artist takes an animistic approach, blurring the boundary between object and subject. Bondesson refers to the performative action and her collaboration with the sculptures as a dance that gives rise to an intimate and emotional relationship between them. The sculptures become ambivalent characters – both objects and living beings – vessels travelling between the static and active states. And maybe the permanence of the sculptures also reminds beholders of their own transience.

Text in relation to Julia Bondesson’s exhibition Cradle My Bones, currently on view at Moderna Museet Malmö

Lotte Løvholm is an independent curator and editor based in Copenhagen. She holds a BA in Theatre Research, an MA in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies and is a postgraduate of Konstfack’s CuratorLab. She is interested in collaborations and co-curtating in her practice as an independent curator, where she edits art books, writes articles, curates exhibitions, performance programs and seminars at the intersection of aesthetics and ethics.

51Cth is a newly formed artist run association dedicated to keeping the sculptural and contemporary art field thriving and evolving. 51Cth is located in a large old industrial complex with common workspaces and private studios. 51Cth consist of 14 independent artist and a professional bronze caster foundry (Broncestøberiet Peter Jensen ApS). 51Cth aims of becoming a facilitator for progressive work in a sculptural setting, where one has access to the required facilities as well as the professional expertise needed for using them. This takes place in a forum that supports and encourages professional artists to exchange their experience and knowledge with each other in a focused working environment as well as through group critiques, artist talks and similar activities. 

51Cth is supported by The Obel Family Foundation and The Islands of Denmarks’ Arts Foundation.

Jul 2021

Optag af nye medlemmer

Ansøgnings-processen vedr. optag af nye medlemmer er lukket for denne gang.

Fremtidige muligheder for medlemskab og atelierplads i 51Cth vil blive slået op her på siden.

May 2021

Bobler - en kunstrute gennem byen

28.05 - 08.08.2021.

Inspireret af boblen som en midlertidig afgrænset verden, hvor gængse sociale normer opløses og redefineres, har Museet for Samtidskunst, i samarbejde med Roskilde Festival, fyldt byen med bobler af kunst. Fra en roterende hæk ved havnen i nord, til grusskulpturer på Musicon i syd, har 14 kunstnere fra atelierfællesskabet 51Cth i Trekroner skabt helt nye kunstværker til byen. Hvert værk er en boble i sig selv, en kunstnerisk praksis du kan lade dig føre ind i og blive opslugt af - så længe det varer. 

Bobler er samtidig startskuddet for Museet for Samtidskunst – Uden Mure; en ny form for museum, der rykker ud af de fysiske rammer og helt tæt på borgerne. Fremover vil Museet for Samtidskunst kunne opleves fx på et plejehjem, i en haveforening, på Roskilde Festival, digitalt eller som nu: gennem hele byen. 

Første spadestik til Museet for Samtidskunst – Uden Mure er Bobler, der viser, hvordan museet arbejder lokalt med udgangspunkt i mange lokale samarbejder og fællesskaber for at fejre kunsten og kulturlivet i Roskilde. Senere følger både digitale, nationale og internationale indsatser, som finder sted sideløbende med lokalt forankrede projekter.

Læs mere om de deltagende kunstnere og deres værker her.


Bubbles - an art route through the city

28.05 - 08.08.2021.


Inspired by the idea of the bubble as a temporarily delimited world where the usual social norms dissolve and are redefined, the Museum of Contemporary Art has filled the city with bubbles of art. From a rotating hedge by the harbour to the North to gravel sculptures at Musicon to the South, fourteen artists from the studio collective 51Cth in Trekroner have created all-new artworks for the city. Each work is a bubble in itself, an artistic practice you can immerse yourself in – as long as it lasts.


Participating artists:


Johna Hansen

Hans F. Beck

Ida Retz Wessberg

Morten Plesner

Jacob Alrø

Peter Jensen

Frederik E.

Adam Fenton

Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen 

Silas Inoue

Christine Overvad Hansen

Viktor-Emil Dupont Billund

Kirke Hundevad Meng

Lydia Hauge Sølvberg


Read more about the artists and their artworks here.

Nov 2020

Artist talk by Mikkel Holm Torp

18th of november, 17.30 – 19.00.
The doors will open 17.00.

Mikkel Holm Torp works with sculpture, ceramics and installations. His works are developed from knowledge in stone masonry and investigations of mineral materials. He explores how artforms correspond with geology, landscape and archaeology. His latest works questions how stones are valuable elements, not only as minerals, but also as metaphors for navigating in historical landscapes, cultural memory and iconology. 

51Cth is a newly formed artist run association dedicated to keeping the sculptural and contemporary art field thriving and evolving. 51Cth is located in a large old industrial complex with common workspaces and private studios.

The talk is held in danish, and due to corona has limited seats.

Please write to to request a seat.

The recommendations and guidelines of the health authorities will be followed at the event.

For more about Mikkel Holm Torp visit:

Jan 2020

51Cth modtager donation fra

Fonden Roskilde Festival

Hvert år donerer Fonden Roskilde Festival penge til en række aktiviteter, projekter, aktører og rammer som synes at være utrolig vigtige for vækstlaget. Fonden Roskilde Festival har besluttet at donere 30.000 kr. til  51Cth's generelle arbejde. 

51Cth sætter stor pris på denne donation fra Fonden Roskilde Festival og ser frem til endnu et år med spændende aktiviteter i foreningen. 

Klik her mere info om Fonden Roskilde Festival

Klik her for mere info om 51Cth og foreningens aktiviteter

Jan 2020

Optag af nyt medlem

Ansøgnings-processen vedr. optag af nyt medlem er lukket for denne gang.

Fremtidige muligheder for medlemskab og atelierplads i 51Cth vil blive slået op her på siden.

Application deadline for the 2021 Artist in Residence Programme will be announced here and on ultimo 2020.


Click here for more info on the programme and how to apply

Jan 2020

Nov 2019

Tak for det store fremmøde

ved 51Cth's Skulptursymposium, onsdag d. 13. november.

En særlig tak til oplægsholderne:

Nanna Stjernholm Jepsen

Kirsten Ortwed

Morten Stræde

Ingrid Furre 

Ligeledes en stor tak til Museet for Samtidskunst og Magnus Kaslov,

samt dagens konferencier; Asbjørn Skou.  

Klik her for fotos og program fra Skulptursymposiet

51cth inviterer til Skulptursymposium

Onsdag d. 13. november.

Klik her for mere info om program og tilmelding. 

Nov 2019

Pressemeddelelse, 14. december 2018

Store donationer til nyt 750 m2 kraftcenter for samtidskunst i Trekroner

Det nye billedhuggerfællesskab 51Cth er d.10. December blevet bevilget 1.101.250,00 kr. over en treårig periode af Det Obelske Familiefond til at etablere et kraftcenter for samtidskunst med atelierer og veludrustede værkstedsfaciliteter, som skal danne rammerne for symposier og et internationalt residency-program. Dette initiativ skal videreudvikle det skulpturelle felt og være med til at holde det danske kunstmiljø levende og eksperimenterende.

51Cth er d.12. December blevet bevilget 250.000,00 kr. fra den nyoprettede pulje Øernes Kunstfond. Med støtten fra Øernes Kunstfond styrkes 51Cths forankring i kunstmiljøet omkring Roskilde kommune. Fællesskabet er en nyskabende forening, der har et særligt fokus på at fremme det tværfaglige samarbejde for kunst og håndværk i kraft af samarbejdet med Broncestøberiet Peter Jensen. Dette samarbejde gavner netop begge parter, da de - fra hvert deres felt - præsenteres for nye formsprog, materialer og krævende teknikker, som de sammen kan gøre sig en indgående erfaring omkring.

Foreningen har taget initiativ til en række af tiltag, heriblandt et årligt symposium og et internationalt residency-ophold. Opholdet vil give den besøgende kunstner adgang til værkstedsfaciliteter samt atelier og midler til udførelse af skulpturelle projekter.

Der udsendes et Open Call i Januar 2019.

I det nye år byder 51Cth ind til deres første symposium, som hører under deres treårige tema “Skulpturens rum - Past Future Present”. Temaet forener to konkrete linjer i den kunstneriske proces; det materielle og det teoretiske stof, og vil generere gæsteforelæsninger og workshops, som på hver deres måde udfordrer den skulpturelle praksis i samtiden.

I en tid hvor individualisme og omstruktureringer udfordrer den enkeltes ansvar for at klare sig, glæder vi os over at kunne realisere et sted, der bygger på et engagement i - og en forpligtigelse overfor et fællesskab. Dette fællesskab er samtidig dannet for at støtte den enkelte kunstners praksis med adgang til plads, faciliteter og højt specialiseret viden, som ellers ville være svært at skaffe adgang til på egen hånd. 51Cth er økonomisk bæredygtig, og i alle fremtidige tiltag, er der taget højde for at dette fortsat gør sig gældende.

Foreningen er dermed selvfinansierende i forhold til sin ordinære drift, hvilket betyder at vi kan forblive en uafhængig og permanent aktør på kunstscenen.


De 13 kunstnere på 51Cth er alle uddannede fra kunstakademier i Norden.

Presse kontakt: Marie Bonfils Tlf. 53 54 10 49

Download pressemeddelelse som PDF

Dec 2018

51Cth i Roskilde Dagblad

Omtale af 51cth i Roskilde Dagblad 16/12